Most organizations lament that lack of data (or the right kind) is keeping them for making informed decisions. In reality, everything we do is data and with a little bit of help, we can all develop a data mindset and become insight-led decision-makers. It’s a matter of being intentional in the types of information we collect and how we make use of it.  In this hands-on workshop series on ‘Data Science for HR,’ our goal is to equip HR professionals with the skills and knowledge to conceptualize their world in terms of data, work with data, and make data work for them in order to understand and solve organizational concerns.  This hands-on data science workshop is designed for both, those with and without a background in statistics. You will come to understand the critical basics of data as is relates to HR through what we call the “language of numbers.”  You will gain practice in conceptualizing HR activities and outcomes in terms of data and drawing actionable insights. By the end of the workshop, you will feel equipped to build your own database, compute frequently used statistics, extract deep insights, and tell a data story in visual and narrative format.

This workshop is designed for those contributing toward or crafting the latest iteration of their organization’s performance management (PM) system. You will learn about bold and transformative approaches to help your organization transition from performance management to performance enablement. This workshop will cover four key elements of a 21st Century Performance Management and Rewards system:

  • The philosophy and strategy
  • Feedback that enables and energizes
  • Goal setting that changes behavior and drives performance
  • Fair, accurate, and motivating rewards practices. 

Become knowledgeable on industry trends and science-based practices. Learn to design innovative solutions to address some of the persistent challenges with PM and rewards. Enable managers to effectively evaluate performance, increase accountability, develop and engage their team members. After completing this workshop. you will learn to make compelling arguments in support of high-value practices and develop a performance management system that sustains over time.